Everything is energy and everything vibrates at a certain frequency, including the trillions of cells in the human body. Those frequencies can change under the influence of stress, emotions, air pollution, unhealthy diet, physical or mental overload. This affects your mental and physical health. This device can send you the frequencies (remotely or via electrodes in, for example, wristbands), which support the self-healing ability of your body, so that more balance is created again.
As Albert Einstein says: THE FUTURE MEDICINE WILL BE THE MEDICINE OF FREQUENCIES. The fact that there is something that can so easily support people to promote their own well-being in everyday life, independently of anyone else, interested me very much. And the idea that this works on all levels (spiritual, emotional, mental, energetic) especially! It works both with electrodes (such as bioresonance therapy) and wirelessly and therefore also online, on a distance, through the quantum field.